Under the authority of the French Ministry of Labour, Employment, Vocational Training and Social Dialogue and in close relationship with the General Delegation for Employment and Vocational Training (DGEFP) which is in charge of the design and the implementation of the political guidelines in the field of Employment and vocational training, Pôle emploi is a key player in the French labour market. Its role, as the Public Employment Agency, is to help the unemployed find work and support companies with tailored solutions for their recruitment needs. Pôle relies on a simplified service offer and on a network of partners operating across the country in line with local needs.
Pole emploi is EURES National Coordination Office (NCO) for France and already experienced both Your First EURES Job (YFEJ) and Reactivate mobility schemes as project leader from 2016 to 2019.
Pôle emploi provides support for jobseekers in their job search and endeavours to meet the recruitment needs of employers. The main missions are:
- Receipt & support. Pôle emploi receipts and provides information, guidance and support to those seeking employment, training or career counselling, regardless of their employment status; facilitate their geographic and professional mobility as well as their social and professional integration
- Prospect and match. Pôle emploi is an expert of the labour market, monitoring its development as closely as possible. It collects job offers from companies, advises them on their recruitment and puts them in contact with applicants
- Register and monitor. Pôle emploi maintains an up-to-date list of jobseekers in order to monitor job search in France
- Pay benefits. On behalf of the unemployment insurance scheme (Unédic) and the State, Pôle emploi pays benefits to entitled claimants
- Control the data. Pôle emploi gathers, processes, disseminates and provides a vast set of data
- Implement public policies. Pôle emploi implements all actions related to its mission.