The Regione autonoma Friuli-Venezia Giulia – Direzione Lavoro-Servizio Politiche del Lavoro – interventi di politica attiva del lavoro, is he Public Regional body working on the active labour market policies and has in charge the EURES services, covering the entire regional territory. The regional network is fully involved in all the EURES major projects and initiatives, online and on site, whose the lead applicant is represented by the National NCO or implemented by the EC: YFEJ, REACTIVATE 35+, DROP’PIN@EURES, EOJD, EUROPEAN SOLIDARITY CORPS, EURES WEBSITE.
Moreover, the region FVG represents the Italian NCO at the European Commission working group on Apprenticeship and Traineeship (A&TWG) in Bruxelles.
The activities already performed through the YFEJ project are: pre-recruitment, matching and placement process for regular job and/or traineeship and/or apprenticeship, identification of potential employers, ensure the reliability of both the job vacancies and the employers, assist candidates and employers before, during and after recruitment, helping employers for the elaboration of tailor-made integration programmes, organise information sessions and promotional events addressed to jobseekers and employers, collection of success stories, engaging other stakeholders as local Universities of Trieste and Udine, promoting synergies for the project implementation.