Agenzia Piemonte Lavoro is a public agency of Regione Piemonte. It has financial and accounting autonomy within the resources allocated from regional budget. APL collaborates to achieve the integration of employment policies, training and career guidance education and social policies with the policies of economic and social development. Main functions are: coordination of the public regional employment services; technical and operational support to Regione Piemonte and other public and private organisations; collaboration with Regione Piemonte in order to contribute to the development of the Employment Information System; support to European Social Fund planning and activities; participation in the implementation, promotion and dissemination of European projects. EURES APL provides services both to workers and employers. It took actively part in Your First EURES Job 4.0 and was associate partner in Your First EURES Job 5.0/6.0, EURES TMS and Reactivate projects. EURES APL was/ is also partner in Progress and Erasmus+ projects on job mobility.