DIAN is a private organisation aimed at ensuring the development and the implementation of courses and other training activities to improve the competitiveness of adults in the work market, the promotion of the skills of graduates, aiming to help them to have contacts with business, the participation in EU projects related with training and culture and the publication of books on education and training.

During the last three years our organisation has participated in the Mobi-Pro project, funded by the German Government. The activities of the project were: to offer intensive German language courses for 6 months in Greece, to offer Vocational Education in Germany, to offer practical training in collaboration with private companies.

DIAN collaborates with Chambers of Commerce and Industry at national level and with Universities and Vocational training providers at European level.

During last years DIAN has participated as co-Applicant in YfEj 4.0, 5.0 and 6.0 and European Solidarity Corps projects, leaded by ANPAL, and in the 3 editions of Reactivate project, leaded by CmRC.

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