The Italian Ministry of Labour and Social Policies  (MLPS) coordinates the policies aimed at integrating training, education, and employment. It supports activities to promote the matching between labour supply and demand and it is responsible for National programs co-financed by the ESF+. The EURES National Coordination Office Italy has been Coordinator of the Target Mobility Scheme “Your First EURES Job” since 2013, European Solidarity Corps from 2017 to 2019 and EURES TMS since 2021. Starting March 2023 the EURES NCO has been transferred to the Ministry of Labour and Social Policies as part of a change of national active polices governance and ANPAL’s shut down (Decree of the President of the Council of Ministers No. 230/2023).

MLPS – EURES Italy NCO will coordinates the implementation of effective networking, communications, and outreach action to raise awareness and understanding about and improve the image of the Action itself. Through its regional, provincial, and metropolitan PES and the EURES Network, EURES Italy NCO will conduct the contact point activities and the recruitment, matching and placement for regular jobs/traineeships/apprenticeships.