How should I present my CV?
The EURES TMS project Platform adopts the Europass CV model. [...]
The EURES TMS project Platform adopts the Europass CV model. [...]
Yes, if you are: aged at least 18 citizen and [...]
Capitale Lavoro S.p.A. is fully owned by the Metropolitan City [...]
The Employment Agency of Trento provides public employment Services to [...]
ASPAL (Sardinian Agency for active labour policies) is a technical [...]
Regione Puglia is responsible for: the development of programmes and [...]
Agenzia Piemonte Lavoro is a public agency of Regione Piemonte. [...]
Piemonte Region has large experience in mobility schemes, provision of [...]
Marche Region is a Regional Public Administration established in 1974. [...]
Its functions are regulated by the regional Statute and the [...]