The EURES Network in Spain includes the SEPE (Spanish National Employment Service) as National PES (where the EURES SPAIN NCO is), and the partners which are the seventeen Public Employment Services of the Spanish autonomous regions.
The SEPE (Spanish Public Employment Service) is an autonomous Public Body under the tutelage of the Work, Migrations and Social Security Ministry, created to contribute in the development of employment policies, to manage the unemployment protection system, to ensure labour market information, aimed to the incorporation and permanency of citizens in the workforce, and to the improvement of the companies’ human capital through the collaboration of the Autonomous Public Employment Services, EURES network and other workplace agents.
- Contribute to the development of the employment policies: assisting on the preparation of Spanish Strategy for Employment´s draft; elaborating law proposals; organizing, executing and monitoring programs related to the labor market and linking them with unemployment protection measures.
- Manage the unemployment protection system: being responsible for the agile and efficient management of the economic benefits related to unemployment protection of citizens.
- Ensure information: promoting the provision of information systems about the labour market, to provide tailored satisfaction to the citizens, the enterprises and the third sector needs regarding the labour market situation.
Collaboration: encouraging and promoting collaboration among the players of the employment environment. Related to labour mobility in Europe, among Regional Public Employment Services and the EURES network.