EURES Targeted Mobility Scheme (TMS)
facilitates hiring all over Europe.

EURES Targeted Mobility Scheme (TMS) connects you with employer across Europe, Norway and Iceland through the EURES Network and the project partners. 

EURES TMS means accessible information, recruitment, matching and placement, and dedicated services to jobseeker (s) aged over 18 years.

EURES TMS offers personalized support all the way, in finding a work-based experience and applying for it but also in moving to another country.

women mobility hiring over europe
handshake new job

EURES TMS also offers financial contribution to costs referring to:

  • Job interview

  • Country relocation and family relocation

  • Language course

  • Recognition of diplomas and qualifications

  • Specific mobility needs (supplementary trip allowance)

  • Subsistence allowance only for recruited trainees and apprentices

EURES TMS means equal opportunities for all!

Check out your eligibility!


Are you looking for a job, traineeship or apprenticeship opportunity?


Are you a citizen of an EU Member State + Iceland and Norway?
Are you legally/long term resident in an EU Member State + Iceland and Norway?


Are you willing to experience working in another European country or Iceland and Norway?

Then register on our platform!
