News and Events

News and Events2022-03-02T15:20:43+00:00
2406, 2021
  • European Job Day Ready to go on 2021 EURES TMS Edition

European Job Days #ReadyToGoOn 2021 – EURES TMS edition

June 24, 2021|

During this European Job Day #ReadyToGoOn, EURES Italy will present the new EURES Targeted Mobility Scheme (TMS) project. EURES TMS supports and fosters professional mobility in EU country (+ Norway [...]

3004, 2021
  • man personal computer searching work opportunities

Webinar – Working in Europe: tools and opportunities

April 30, 2021|

An appointment not to be missed with #EURES, the European network of employment services. Informagiovani Roma and Agenzia Eurodesk Italy Roma Capitale organize the webinar #EURES the European network of [...]

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