The project partnership

The project partnership2024-12-17T14:31:11+00:00

Project coordinator: The Italian Ministry of Labour and Social Policies (MLPS) – EURES NCO (IT)

The Italian Ministry of Labour and Social Policies  (MLPS) coordinates the policies aimed at integrating training, education, and employment. It supports activities to promote the matching between labour supply and demand and it is responsible for National programs co-financed by the ESF+. The EURES National Coordination Office Italy has been Coordinator of the Target Mobility Scheme “Your First EURES Job” since 2013, European Solidarity Corps from 2017 to 2019 and EURES TMS since 2021. Starting March 2023 the EURES NCO has been transferred to the Ministry of Labour and Social Policies as part of a change of national active polices governance and ANPAL’s shut down (Decree of the President of the Council of Ministers No. 230/2023).

MLPS – EURES Italy NCO will coordinates the implementation of effective networking, communications, and outreach action to raise awareness and understanding about and improve the image of the Action itself. Through its regional, provincial, and metropolitan PES and the EURES Network, EURES Italy NCO will conduct the contact point activities and the recruitment, matching and placement for regular jobs/traineeships/apprenticeships.

The Italian Ministry of Labour and Social Policies (MLPS) – EURES NCO (IT)2024-12-17T14:29:13+00:00

The Italian Ministry of Labour and Social Policies  (MLPS) coordinates the policies aimed at integrating training, education, and employment. It supports activities to promote the matching between labour supply and demand and it is responsible for National programs co-financed by the ESF+. The EURES National Coordination Office Italy has been Coordinator of the Target Mobility Scheme “Your First EURES Job” since 2013, European Solidarity Corps from 2017 to 2019 and EURES TMS since 2021. Starting March 2023 the EURES NCO has been transferred to the Ministry of Labour and Social Policies as part of a change of national active polices governance and ANPAL’s shut down (Decree of the President of the Council of Ministers No. 230/2023).

MLPS – EURES Italy NCO will coordinates the implementation of effective networking, communications, and outreach action to raise awareness and understanding about and improve the image of the Action itself. Through its regional, provincial, and metropolitan PES and the EURES Network, EURES Italy NCO will conduct the contact point activities and the recruitment, matching and placement for regular jobs/traineeships/apprenticeships.


National Employment Agency/Агенция По Заетостта/EURES NCO (BG)2021-09-06T09:01:49+00:00

NEA is an executive agency to the Minister of Labour and Social Policy for the implementation of the government policy on employment promotion. The NEA is lead and represented by an Executive Director, whose activity is supported by an Executive Director Council comprised of representatives from the nationally represented employers’ organizations and those of workers and employees. The Executive Director is supported of two Deputy Executive Directors. NEA Administration is general and specialized and is structured in 8 Directorates and two General Directorates. The General Directorate “Employment Services” includes the Agency’s territorial structures, organized in 9 Regional Employment Service Directorates (RESD) and 107 Labour Office Directorates (LOD) With the aim of facilitating the service for unemployed and employers most LOD have established 146 filials. In terms of strategic goals, NEA short-term goal is to increase employment and decrease unemployment, while long-term goal is to support the increasing of economic activity and population work potential. NEA conducts its activities within the corresponding legal framework (The Act on Employment Promotion, Labour Code etc.). Services provided by NEA to job seekers are: mediation services for searching jobs; proposing to the clients professional guidance; qualification and motivation training; involving in relevant programs and measures for employment.

NEA provides mediation services to Bulgarian citizens seeking job abroad following enforced international agreements and contracts. The foreigners can work in the Republic of Bulgaria after they have obtained work permission by NEA. AS regards the employers, NEA offers the following services: mediation services for hiring of the appropriated job candidates; personnel training; referring the employers towards suitable programs and employment measures and using benefits respectively.

NEA has participated, as a partner organization, to “Your first EURES job” project of German International Placement Service of the Zentrale Auslands- und Fachvermittlung (ZAV); as a co-applicant to YfEj 5.0 and YfEj 6.0 projects leaded by the Italian EURES National Coordination Office.

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PÔLE EMPLOI / EURES NCO (FR)2021-09-06T09:09:16+00:00

Under the authority of the French Ministry of Labour, Employment, Vocational Training and Social Dialogue and in close relationship with the General Delegation for Employment and Vocational Training (DGEFP) which is in charge of the design and the implementation of the political guidelines in the field of Employment and vocational training, Pôle emploi is a key player in the French labour market. Its role, as the Public Employment Agency, is to help the unemployed find work and support companies with tailored solutions for their recruitment needs. Pôle relies on a simplified service offer and on a network of partners operating across the country in line with local needs.

Pole emploi is EURES National Coordination Office (NCO) for France and already experienced both Your First EURES Job (YFEJ) and Reactivate mobility schemes as project leader from 2016 to 2019.

Pôle emploi provides support for jobseekers in their job search and endeavours to meet the recruitment needs of employers. The main missions are:

  • Receipt & support. Pôle emploi receipts and provides information, guidance and support to those seeking employment, training or career counselling, regardless of their employment status; facilitate their geographic and professional mobility as well as their social and professional integration
  • Prospect and match. Pôle emploi is an expert of the labour market, monitoring its development as closely as possible. It collects job offers from companies, advises them on their recruitment and puts them in contact with applicants
  • Register and monitor. Pôle emploi maintains an up-to-date list of jobseekers in order to monitor job search in France
  • Pay benefits. On behalf of the unemployment insurance scheme (Unédic) and the State, Pôle emploi pays benefits to entitled claimants
  • Control the data. Pôle emploi gathers, processes, disseminates and provides a vast set of data
  • Implement public policies. Pôle emploi implements all actions related to its mission.

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National Agency of Employment /Agentia Nationala Pentru Ocuparea Fortei De Munca/EURES NCO (RO)2021-09-06T09:12:13+00:00

ANOFM, a public institution established as a legal person under the authority of the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection, is organised and function based on the tripartite principle, being led by a Managing Board made up of 15 members, respectively 5 members representing the Government, appointed by Decision of the Prime Minister, 5 members appointed by way of consensus by the trade union confederations representative at national level, 5 members appointed by way of consensus by the employers’ confederation representative at national level. 

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K MILIOS AND SIA OE – DIAN (GR)2025-01-08T10:29:22+00:00

DIAN is a private organisation aimed at ensuring the development and the implementation of courses and other training activities to improve the competitiveness of adults in the work market, the promotion of the skills of graduates, aiming to help them to have contacts with business, the participation in EU projects related with training and culture and the publication of books on education and training.

During the last three years our organisation has participated in the Mobi-Pro project, funded by the German Government. The activities of the project were: to offer intensive German language courses for 6 months in Greece, to offer Vocational Education in Germany, to offer practical training in collaboration with private companies.

DIAN collaborates with Chambers of Commerce and Industry at national level and with Universities and Vocational training providers at European level.

During last years DIAN has participated as co-Applicant in YfEj 4.0, 5.0 and 6.0 and European Solidarity Corps projects, leaded by ANPAL, and in the 3 editions of Reactivate project, leaded by CmRC.

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CMRC – Città Metropolitana Roma Capitale (IT)2025-01-08T10:12:01+00:00

The Metropolitan City of Rome Capital (CmRC) is a local authority created in 2014 to replace the Province of Rome (instituted on 15th October 1870).

The main institutional aims of the Metropolitan City of Rome are:

  • the care of the strategic development of the metropolitan territory
  • the promotion and integrated management of services, infrastructures, and communication networks of interest to the metropolitan city
  • the care of institutional relations at its level, including those with European cities and metropolitan areas.

The Dept. V of the CmRC, carries out activities related to EU job-mobility since 2012.

Fostering a direct link between skills and the labour market has never been more imperative than in today’s highly skilled marketplace. To solidify this connection the Metropolitan City of Rome has been promoting a series of actions in three strategic areas: ensuring extensive guidance programs to support young and adults through their education and upskilling/reskilling paths; creating networks between the private sector, university and vocational training programs; mobility programs to enhance career opportunities, and internationalisation. Through its structures located in Rome and the whole metropolitan area, the Dept. V of the CmRC provides a wide range of services with the support of its fully owned agency Capitale Lavoro (the in-house providing company of the CmRC).

The highly flexible tool kit of services customized to an individual’s needs and the integration of service components allows for a nimble, responsive suite of service options that are truly client centric.

CmRC  has been partnering with ANPAL – EURES NCO Italy as coapplicant for the YfEJ 4.0, 5.0, 6.0 and EURES TMS.

FGB-Fondazione Giacomo Brodolini srl SB (IT)2025-01-08T10:13:28+00:00

FGB-Fondazione Giacomo Brodolini srl is a research centre developing, applying and disseminating evidence-based policy design, delivery and evaluation at all governance levels, training and empowering skills and employment policies for people.

FGB – Fondazione Giacomo Brodolini srl is a research centre inspired by the principles of Labour and social inclusion, welfare promotion, territorial cohesion, sustainability and technological innovation to boost economic growth, attention to the environment, access to employment through new skills, gender and cultural diversity and respect for fundamental human rights, participation for local development. FGB provides services and consultancy for the analysis and evaluation of public policies, public and private programmes and projects, research and analysis of data, dissemination and communication, development of territorial networks and vocational education for both public and private bodies; the study and development of analysis and forecast models for the design and implementation of public policies; development of models to measure the social economic impact, as well as the study and development of new models of active policies to meet the present and future economic and social needs and to overcome inequalities; support and advice to public and private entities operating in the same sectors and with the same purposes, also with the development and support of Public/Private partnership models for the management of interventions and the implementation of innovative policies; the publication and dissemination of studies and research on the topics mentioned above; cultural and advisory services to the public administration for institutional communication, organization of events and dissemination of public, work, training, inclusion and welfare, innovation and social cohesion policies; the promotion of territorial cooperation activities at a national and transnational level.

FGB srl has been involved as co-applicant, in European Solidarity Corps (from 2017 to 2019) in YFEJ 6.0 and EURES TMS.

EURODESK Italy (IT)2025-01-08T10:12:37+00:00

Eurodesk is one of the most comprehensive and most accessible source of youth information about European opportunities. Thanks to the presence of on-field youth professionals (Eurodesk Multipliers) young people in Europe are regularly informed and encouraged to go abroad, learn another language, another culture and of course discover more about themselves.

Eurodesk is one of the official information networks of the Erasmus+ programme. As an increasing number of young people at local level is addressing Eurodesk Multipliers to search for job opportunities abroad, the cooperation with YfEj is therefore of strategic importance to provide young people a chance to use all the opportunities Europe can offer them. Eurodesk Italy has been partnering with ANPAL – EURES NCO Italy as associate organisation for the YfEJ 4.0, 5.0 and 6.0 editions.

As a support organisation to Erasmus+, Eurodesk makes information on learning mobility, comprehensive and accessible to young people and those who work with them. With a network of national coordinators connected to over 1.000 local information providers in 36 European countries, Eurodesk raises awareness on learning mobility opportunities and encourages young people to become active citizens. Eurodesk is the main source of youth information on European policies, mobility information and opportunities. It answers enquiries and provides guidance for mobile young people across Europe. Eurodesk updates and manages content on the European Youth Portal, it also answers enquiries coming from the Portal.

Eurodesk Italy is a private organisation governed by public law (Directive 2014/24/UE) established in 1997 with the support of the European Commission and the National Agency for Youth. The Organization works in cooperation with Erasmus+ and Agencies and national, regional, and local authorities responsible for European and youth policies. Eurodesk Italy is the main source of youth information on European policies, mobility information and opportunities, encouraging youth to become active citizens. With a network of national coordinators, Eurodesk Italy updates and manages content on the European Youth Portal.

Eurodesk Italy has been partnering with ANPAL as associate organization for the YfEJ 4.0, 5.0 editions and since YfEJ 6.0 is a beneficiary organization, contributing to last EURES TMS project.

Eurodesk Italy will contribute to the action, stretching out Italian candidates through empowerment workshops to reinforce competences and motivation, essential to professional mobility. It also will provide welcome services managing the FB community for potential mobile candidates, the updating of the digital resources guide and LinkedIn videos for SMEs.

UNIROMA – Sapienza Università di Roma (IT)2021-04-20T15:19:26+00:00

With over 700 years of history, 113,000 students (around 9.000 international students), Sapienza is one of the oldest universities in the world and the second largest University in Europe. “Sapienza” University of Rome carries out the fundamental, primary, and closely related functions of scientific research and education, organising different kinds of higher education, counselling services, cultural and professional revision, master courses and specialised training, as well as other necessary and/or complementary activities. Sapienza promotes and favours the international dimension of study, teaching, and research activities. Joint degrees, international mobility of students and teaching staff, admission and education of foreign students are among the fundamental objectives of the University. Sapienza through its offices provides a variety of opportunities for current students and recent graduates to expand their educational horizons and gain work experience through a range of placement opportunities abroad. In the framework of the Yfej/Reactivate activities, Sapienza:

  • provided information about placement opportunities and career advice for students and graduates: Front Office Desk; newsletter and dedicated web page
  • organised targeted events and language trainings

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FEH – Fundación Equipo Humano (ES)2025-01-08T10:26:22+00:00

FEH is a non-profit organization and an Official Outplacement Agency acknowledge by the Ministry and the National Employment Office of Spain (SEPE). FEH’s team has knowledge in psychology, political sciences, sciences, labour relations, law and trainers in Valencia, Madrid, Galicia, and Zaragoza. FEH participates in projects at national, European and regional level in placement, training, and requalification of unemployed individuals (ESF) and in competitive calls of the EC in EURES, Single Market, Erasmus+ and LIFE in issues like SMEs, integration and training, employee and mobility, VET, and social innovation.

FEH will cooperate with EURES Spain and CMRC/CL in matching and recruitment activities and will address the following economic sectors based on the current shortages in Spain and mobilise SMEs project: renewable energies, healthcare, hospitality, construction, metal repairs and STEM and information and communication technologies.

GWU – The General Workers’ Union (MT)2025-01-08T10:28:17+00:00

GWU is the largest trade union association in Malta. It is one of the two trade unions recognized by the European Trade Union Confederation and employees’ delegation representative at the International Labour Organization. The sections cover the manufacturing, services and the public sector of the Maltese labour market and thus organize a wide cross-section of interests. In 2020 GWU started the cooperation with EURES Network as partner of Reactivate project in cooperation with CMRC/CL, EURES Malta and EURES Italy. From 2021 GWU is a contact point of EURES TMS and in 2022 became Malta EURES Member.

GWU will contribute to the action providing information, tutoring, cv writing, matching and recruitment packages, networking with employers and relevant stakeholders, helping jobseekers and employers in the application procedures, and promoting the TMS in national and international events with EURES Malta.

Associated Organizations

Department of Labour – Ministry of Labour and Social Insurance/EURES NCO (CY)2025-01-08T10:34:36+00:00

The Cyprus Department of Labour and EURES Cyprus has started its involvement in the YFEJ activities since 2015. Since then, EURES Cyprus has been involved in the YFEJ 4.0, 5.0 and 6.0 under the Italian Consortium and in 2016 it was also involved as a partner in the German Consortium.

The Department of Labour, part of the Ministry of Labour and Social Insurance of the Republic of Cyprus, is responsible for the issues of employment, including equality between men and women.

The Public Employment Services of the Department of Labour engage in a variety of activities. Its main goal is to promote employment in Cyprus by contributing to the effective functioning of the Cyprus labour market through the provision of placement services, the filling of vacancies, the provision of vocational guidance to all its clients and the reference of job seekers to available training programmes and employment opportunities.

Under the authority of the Department of Labour and the PES operate the following European Networks: Euroguidance Network, European Employment Services (EURES) and the European Lifelong Learning Policy Network.

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SEPE – Servicio Público de Empleo Estatal – SEPE (ES)2025-01-08T10:42:52+00:00

The EURES Network in Spain includes the SEPE (Spanish National Employment Service) as National PES (where the EURES SPAIN NCO is), and the partners which are the seventeen Public Employment Services of the Spanish autonomous regions.

The SEPE (Spanish Public Employment Service) is an autonomous Public Body under the tutelage of the Work, Migrations and Social Security Ministry, created to contribute in the development of employment policies, to manage the unemployment protection system, to ensure labour market information, aimed to the incorporation and permanency of citizens in the workforce, and to the improvement of the companies’ human capital through the collaboration of the Autonomous Public Employment Services, EURES network and other workplace agents.

  • Contribute to the development of the employment policies: assisting on the preparation of Spanish Strategy for Employment´s draft; elaborating law proposals; organizing, executing and monitoring programs related to the labor market and linking them with unemployment protection measures.
  • Manage the unemployment protection system: being responsible for the agile and efficient management of the economic benefits related to unemployment protection of citizens.
  • Ensure information: promoting the provision of information systems about the labour market, to provide tailored satisfaction to the citizens, the enterprises and the third sector needs regarding the labour market situation.

Collaboration: encouraging and promoting collaboration among the players of the employment environment. Related to labour mobility in Europe, among Regional Public Employment Services and the EURES network.

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UWV WERKBEDRIJF / EURES NCO (NL)2025-01-08T10:37:02+00:00

The Dutch PES is responsible for free movement of workers, supported by EURES. This is a delegated responsibility from the Ministry of Social Affairs and Employment. This means that PES has years of experience with the development, operation and evaluation of EURES projects. One of the national objectives of the PES is the support of older unemployed job seekers. The PES has many years of experience of supporting this target group: from 2013 job seekers over 55 are offered group trainings, schooling vouchers, tailor-made advice and more. As EURES the Netherlands is part of the Dutch PES the Dutch EURES advisers work together with their PES colleagues to actively support jobseekers over 55 finding work across the Dutch borders.

EURES the Netherlands is part of UWV Werkbedrijf, the Dutch PES. The main focus of EURES the Netherlands is on the added value of the European labour market, i.e., placement and recruitment projects for Dutch job seekers and Dutch employers with hard to fill vacancies.

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IEFP – Instituto do Emprego e Formação Profissional, I.P./EURES NCO (PT)2025-01-08T10:38:05+00:00

IEFP, IP is the Portuguese PES and its mission is to promote the creation and quality of employment and to tackle unemployment, through the implementation of ALM policies, including vocational training. IEFP, IP is the NCO in Portugal and has since 1993/94 been implementing EURES annual Activity Plans which have included specific activities and projects related to EU/EEA-mobility promotion, where Portugal is the main player.

EURES Portugal has participated, as co-applicant, in the YfEj projects led by Sweden and by Italy and in the TMS project lead by Sweden, promoting its use, specially towards the unemployed (Portuguese, or living in Portugal) through the EURES Portugal website and the EURES Portugal social media accounts. It has also organized oriented workshops, info sessions and job day events for the particular target groups while delivering advisory services to jobseekers involved in EURES matching and recruitment activities on the possible financial supports available.

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CLL Centres de Langues asbl (BE)2025-01-08T10:47:15+00:00

Since its creation by the Catholic University of Louvain-la-Neuve in 1984, CLL has given a communicative, oral and interactive approach to language teaching, primarily based upon the individual needs of the learners.

The aim is to provide the learners with the right solution based upon their needs, motivation and personal goals. Language learning can only be as effective as the motivation to carry it out. CLL’s pedagogical approach allows the learners to take control of their own language journey. At CLL, we guarantee: a warm welcome; good, sound advice; and excellent service; an accurate assessment of the initial linguistic level; classes that are taught by highly qualified and competent teachers who have direct pedagogical supervision and participate actively in ongoing professional development.

CLL is the first Belgian school accredited by Eaquals, the European Association for the Quality of Language Services. For the eight time in a row, in 2020, CLL’s quality approach was also rewarded with the Qfor label, certifying the quality of training organisations. To obtain this label, CLL passed an extensive audit that verified management satisfaction, use of processes and resources, and proof of the quality of its service delivery.

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Croatian Employment Service/Hrvatski Zavod Za Zapošljavanje/EURES NCO (HR)2021-09-06T09:17:09+00:00

The Croatian EURES network operates through EURES offices in Zagreb, Osijek, Rijeka and Varaždin, with a total of 6 advisers providing EURES services. It has been foreseen to add additional 4 advisers and re-activate office Split in the course of 2020. The network is coordinated from the HZZ central office acting as the National Coordination Office for EURES nominated in accordance with the Regulation (EU) 589/2016 and consisted of two persons, Head of the NCO and Deputy Head of the NCO. It has been planned to raise the number to 5FTE in the near future. HZZ/EURES Croatia took part in 4 YfEj projects as a project partner (co-applicant) and one Reactivate project as an associate partner.

The Croatian Employment Service plays a leading role in the development of the Croatian labour market, particularly when it comes to balancing the total labour supply and demand aimed at increasing employment. The CES mission is: effective mediation in the labour market achieved by increasing the quality of service adjusted to the clients’ needs, along with the development of knowledge, skills and abilities of the CES employees and the promotion of cooperation of the labour market actors. CES priority functions include job mediation, vocational guidance, provision of financial support to unemployed persons, training for employment and employment preparation.

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JOBSPLUS – EURES NCO MALTA (MT)2025-01-08T10:31:20+00:00

The EURES NCO Malta is part of the public employment service, provides services related to mobility of workers by assisting both employers and workers. Services offered include recruitment assistance, matching services, advice, and guidance, living and working information, targeted events etc.

EURES Malta has participated in Reactivate (leaded by CMRC) and EURES TMS project in the past as an info point/ associated partner and has promoted the project with different clients groups.

JOBSPLUS will contribute to the action providing information, tutoring, cv writing, matching and recruitment packages, networking with employers and relevant stakeholders, helping jobseekers and employers in the application procedures, and promoting the TMS in national and international events with GWU.

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DWUP – Lower Silesian Regional Labour Office (PL)2025-01-08T10:39:32+00:00

It provides services in the field of international job placement as well as information on living and working conditions in the EU / EEA member states, identifying and preventing obstacles in the field of job mobility. The Lower Silesian Voivodeship Labor Office participates in the YfEj programme 6.0 as an associate organisation.

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Regional Labour Office in Olsztyn – Wojewódzki Urząd Pracy w Olsztynie (PL)2021-09-06T09:18:10+00:00

Wojewódzki Urząd Pracy w Olsztynie (WUP) is a part of Public Employment Services in Poland and a member of EURES network. WUP supports actively the mobility in EU providing EURES services.

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LANGUAGE LAB (IT)2023-02-03T08:06:23+00:00

Language Lab provides online language training. It offers intensive online language courses at all levels (A1 / A2 / B1 / B2 / C1) aimed at job placement. Training courses aimed at obtaining Telc language certifications. Courses based on sectoral topics: nursing/health care assistance/education.

Language Lab participated to 3 Reactivate projects coordinated by Metropolitan City of Rome. In the last project LL became an associated recognized school. The training activities (2018-2020) are focused on the provision of intensive online German courses – level A1 A2 B1 B2 – addressed to candidates of the Pilot Project A.M.A.P. – selected for job placement in Germany.

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Unioncamere (IT)2021-09-06T09:19:18+00:00

Founded in 1901, Unioncamere (Italian Union of Chambers of Commerce, Industry, Handicrafts and Agriculture) is a public institution whose task is to represent the general interests of Italian Chambers of Commerce in respect of all institutional stakeholders at local, regional, national and international levels, including business organizations, consumers and workers.

Among its functions, Unioncamere deals with activities for active labour policies and work-related learning initiatives. Unioncamere supports a widespread promotion of corporate culture, intervening in the guidance of young people from high school and university to direct them in their educational-professional choices and favour their transition towards the labour market, also through school-work alternation paths, internships and traineeships. Unioncamere participated in the previous editions of “Your first Eures job” project leaded by Anpal.

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Agenzia Regionale per il Lavoro dell’Emilia-Romagna (ARL E-R) (Italian EURES PES Member)2025-01-08T11:28:27+00:00

The “Agenzia Regionale per il Lavoro dell’Emilia-Romagna” (Employment Agency for the Region of Emilia-Romagna) is a public regional body in charge of:

  • the management and qualification of employment services for Jobseeker and Employers, through the regional PES Network, following the national and regional policy guidelines
  • provision of EURES service through EURES Adviser and EURES Assistant of the PES
  • YfEj activities: Information, recruitment, matching, pre and post-placement support to both young people and employers

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Regione Friuli-Venezia Giulia (Italian EURES PES Member)2025-01-08T11:26:57+00:00

The Regione autonoma Friuli-Venezia Giulia – Direzione Lavoro-Servizio Politiche del Lavoro – interventi di politica attiva del lavoro, is he Public Regional body working on the active labour market policies and has in charge the EURES services, covering the entire regional territory. The regional network is fully involved in all the EURES major projects and initiatives, online and on site, whose the lead applicant is represented by the National NCO or implemented by the EC: YFEJ, REACTIVATE 35+, DROP’PIN@EURES, EOJD, EUROPEAN SOLIDARITY CORPS, EURES WEBSITE.

Moreover, the region FVG represents the Italian NCO at the European Commission working group on Apprenticeship and Traineeship (A&TWG) in Bruxelles.

The activities already performed through the YFEJ project are: pre-recruitment, matching and placement process for regular job and/or traineeship and/or apprenticeship, identification of potential employers, ensure the reliability of both the job vacancies and the employers, assist candidates and employers before, during and after recruitment, helping employers for the elaboration of tailor-made integration programmes, organise information sessions and promotional events addressed to jobseekers and employers, collection of success stories, engaging other stakeholders as local Universities of Trieste and Udine, promoting synergies for the project implementation.

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Regione Lazio (Italian EURES PES Member)2025-01-08T11:22:37+00:00

Its functions are regulated by the regional Statute and the Italian Constitution. The most important are: apply the rules included in the regional laws approved by the Council; prepare the program and plans for the administration of the Region; propose to the Council the multiannual regional budget; propose to the Council the annual budget, budget and final balance. It is also responsible for coordinating the regional offices (Departments), through the Assessors. It also deals with the regional coordination of EURES activity at regional level.

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Regione Marche (Italian EURES PES Member)2025-01-08T11:27:47+00:00

Marche Region is a Regional Public Administration established in 1974. Through national law 205/2017 (Legge di Stabilità), it acquired PES among its institutional functions and the Educational Training and Labour Department become directly responsible, since May 2018, of the 13 Regional Public Employment Services (PES). In each Employment Service is available an EURES Adviser, or one or more EURES Assistants. Marche Region has already taken part (directly or through its provincial departments) to the YfEj and Reactivate since the pilot projects.

For this specific project proposal, Marche Region participates with the above mentioned Unit, which is responsible for: identifying needs and trends of the regional job market; programming regional strategies in the field of vocational training and active labour market policies; managing the regional training and employment system; promoting employment and job quality policies; organizing and coordinating the training and employment territorial districts; monitoring results of training and employment policies.

Moreover, the Unit is managing the YEI in Marche region.

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Regione Piemonte (Italian EURES PES Member)2025-01-08T11:20:14+00:00

Piemonte Region has large experience in mobility schemes, provision of EURES services and transnational cooperation. It is the regional authority responsible for the management of PES services included EURES services. The main mission of the Regional Labour policies and strategies and PES supervision office is to promote active labour market policies and measures (ALMPs) to help young people to get a foothold in the labour market. To promote synergies with other European mobility programmes (e.g., Erasmus+). To implement promote and disseminate activities of the project; contribute to enhance and to capitalize project outputs; provide online information to target groups; to promote the project and enhance its visibility organizing job fairs (onsite/ online), recruitment days, mobility info sessions.

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Agenzia Piemonte Lavoro (Italian EURES PES Member)2025-01-08T11:04:35+00:00

Agenzia Piemonte Lavoro is a public agency of Regione Piemonte. It has financial and accounting autonomy within the resources allocated from regional budget. APL collaborates to achieve the integration of employment policies, training and career guidance education and social policies with the policies of economic and social development. Main functions are: coordination of the public regional employment services; technical and operational support to Regione Piemonte and other public and private organisations; collaboration with Regione Piemonte in order to contribute to the development of the Employment Information System; support to European Social Fund planning and activities; participation in the implementation, promotion and dissemination of European projects. EURES APL provides services both to workers and employers. It took actively part in Your First EURES Job 4.0 and was associate partner in Your First EURES Job 5.0/6.0, EURES TMS and Reactivate projects. EURES APL was/ is also partner in Progress and Erasmus+ projects on job mobility.

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Regione Puglia (Italian EURES PES Member)2025-01-08T11:20:46+00:00

Regione Puglia is responsible for:

  • the development of programmes and management of the services to individuals
  • operational and administrative management of regional labour centres
  • relations between employment and education, and unemployment policy

As for Reg. 589/2016, implementation the EURES services has been set up within the regional labour network of the PES (Public Employment Services, Labour Centres). PES is coordinated by the Regional Agency for Active Labour Policies (ARPAL Puglia). The Apulia EURES services (former Provincial EURES services based in the Province of Lecce) has joined the TMS pilot scheme since 2013 and actively implemented all the actions foreseen and planned for matching purposes in transnational mobility.

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Agenzia Sarda per le politiche attive del lavoro – ASPAL (Italian EURES PES Member)2021-09-06T09:23:39+00:00

ASPAL (Sardinian Agency for active labour policies) is a technical body of the Region endowed with legal personality, organizational, administrative, patrimonial and accounting autonomy and its own personnel. The functions and activities of ASPAL are carried out in accordance with the regional programming and the guidelines deliberated by the Regional Council. ASPAL plays a role of planning and coordination of the activities of the employment centres. Through the employment centres, ASPAL provides services for the integration or reintegration into employment of unemployed persons or persons at risk of unemployment.

The EURES contact points are within the Employment centres and provide information about YFEJ, Reactive and the main activities of EURES network.

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Agenzia del Lavoro di Trento (Italian EURES PES Member)2021-09-06T09:24:04+00:00

The Employment Agency of Trento provides public employment Services to jobseekers and companies based in the Trento province through 11 job centres. EURES is part of the employment services offered by the Agenzia del Lavoro di Trento. The Agency is associated partner of Reactivate and Eurodyssey programmes programmes since 2014.

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Capitale Lavoro S.p.A. (IT)2025-01-08T10:33:05+00:00

Capitale Lavoro S.p.A. is fully owned by the Metropolitan City of Rome and assists CMRC in the innovation and enhancement of citizen services by providing specialized technical assistance. It primarily operates in the domain of labour and training, social policies, and environmental policies.

The organization has a European Jobmobility-Project Unit, in charge of planning and managing the EU mobility projects. Since 2012 has been implementing with CMRC the TMS projects (YfEJ and EURES TMS).

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Inapp (IT)2025-01-08T10:32:13+00:00

The National Institute for Public Policy Analysis (Inapp) is a public research body of national relevance, supervised by the Ministry of Labour and Social Policies, which deals with the study, research, monitoring and evaluation of public policies in the fields of education and training, social protection, active and passive policies, the third sector, social inclusion and policies with effects on the labour market.

Inapp will support the Coordination of the project, the financial management and reporting and a research activity focused on Post placement survey and analysis.

Croatian Employment Service/Hrvatski Zavod Za Zapošljavanje/EURES NCO (HR)2025-01-08T10:38:48+00:00

The Croatian EURES network operates through EURES offices in Zagreb, Osijek, Rijeka and Varaždin. The network is coordinated from the HZZ central office acting as the National Coordination Office for EURES nominated in accordance with the Regulation (EU) 589/2016 and consisted of two persons, Head of the NCO and Deputy Head of the NCO. HZZ/EURES Croatia took part in 4 YfEj projects as a project partner (co-applicant) and one Reactivate project as an associate partner.

The Croatian Employment Service plays a leading role in the development of the Croatian labour market, particularly when it comes to balancing the total labour supply and demand aimed at increasing employment. The CES mission is: effective mediation in the labour market achieved by increasing the quality of service adjusted to the clients’ needs, along with the development of knowledge, skills and abilities of the CES employees and the promotion of cooperation of the labour market actors. CES priority functions include job mediation, vocational guidance, provision of financial support to unemployed persons, training for employment and employment preparation.

ASGI – Associazione studi giuridici sull’immigrazione – (IT)2025-01-08T10:47:47+00:00

ASGI – Associazione studi giuridici sull’immigrazione – (IT), an independent non-governmental organization founded in 1990 by a group of lawyers and academics working on legal issues concerning immigration, asylum, citizenship, and discrimination. Its expertise is in various areas of immigration and migrants’ rights, migration policies, access to work, antidiscrimination, children’s and unaccompanied minors’ rights, and asylum seekers.  ASGI will promote EURES TMS through their channels, and support with their expertise and tools in removing bureaucratic obstacles for candidates with EU resident status.

JobLaborum (IT)2025-01-08T10:50:39+00:00

JobLaborum (IT) (Member of EURES Germany until January 2024 and recently transferred in Italy) is an international recruitment agency for European professionals – nurses, midwives, doctors, and specialized doctors or educators for child care facilities – committed to high quality in professional staff selection, dedicated to relocating and integrating qualified workers. Already associated partner of Reactivate – The HUB project the agency cooperate also with TMS previous projects partners  (YfEj and EURES TMS VS/2020/0520). JobLaborum will contribute to promotion and placement activities in Germany (that is one of the Top destination Country), in particular in the education field, cooperating with CMRC/CL.

Veneto Lavoro2025-01-08T11:34:08+00:00

Veneto Lavoro is the Public Employment Agency of the Veneto Region (Italy). Its mission is to plan, manage, evaluate and promote Active Labour Market Policies and to monitor the regional labour market, economy and society. Veneto Lavoro also manages the Regional Labour Information System (SILV) and develops innovative projects at both the local and European levels. Among its International activities, the organization also handles the regional coordination of the EURES service, which is delivered through Counsellors and Assistants located across the territory. The organization consists of its headquarters in Mestre-Venice, which includes the General Directorate and other central functions (Human Resources, General Affairs and Procurement Office, IT Services, Regional Labour Market Observatory, Crisis Unit and Business Services, Veneto Welfare, Technical Assistance for the Management of European Funds and General Coordination of the Regional PES Network) as well a 7 territorial units corresponding to the provincial clusters of the 40 Employment Centers distributed throughout the region.

Molise Lavoro Regional Agency (ARML)2025-01-08T11:35:40+00:00

The Molise Lavoro Regional Agency (ARML) is an instrumental body of the Molise Region, established by LR n.27/1999, ARML carries out various key activities, including technical support to the planning and management of labour, vocational training and education policies. It also deals with the monitoring and evaluation of employment services and the management of employment service databases. The Agency promotes the integration of regional labour policies and carries out studies and research. In addition, ARML supports disabled or disadvantaged people, coordinates interventions related to education and vocational training, organises work experience and actions to reduce unemployment. ARML also coordinates the EURES network at regional level. In addition, it acts as the Labour Market Observatory, analysing trends and phenomena related to the labour market, and coordinates the regional Employment Centres.

Campania Region2025-01-08T11:36:07+00:00

The functions of the Campania Region are regulated by the Regional Statute and the Italian Constitution. The most important activities concern the implementation of the rules contained in the regional laws approved by the Council, the preparation of the programme and plans for the administration of the Region.   Within the framework of the Regional Administration, the General Directorate for Education, Training, Labour, and Youth Policies carries out the acts of planning and programming of interventions in the field of education, training, labour and youth policies and takes care of their implementation. Within the regional government system of labour policies, the General Directorate is also in charge of the regional coordination of EURES activities and services provided at the regional Employment Centres through the Consultants and the regional EURES network.

Regione Sicilia2025-01-08T11:37:20+00:00

The Regional Department of Labour, Employment, Guidance, Services and Training Activities of the Sicilian Region is entrusted with the tasks referred to in Decree No. 9 of the President of the Region of 5 April 2022. All the activities mentioned in the Decree are carried out by the intermediate and peripheral structures of the Department, which are divided into Areas and Services throughout the Region.

Among others, the Labour Department plays the role of coordinator of public employment services and regulating body of private employment agencies; coordination of competences in the field of targeted employment; activities concerning special support measures for unemployed workers; Emigration Service; job placement of young people; interventions to combat poverty; interventions to promote the start-up of youth enterprises; national and transnational mobility; coordination of the regional EURES network; manages relations with the Managing Authorities of the Structural Funds.

Regione Liguria2025-01-08T11:38:09+00:00

REGIONE LIGURIA is a regional authority based in Genoa, which represents and coordinates 4 provinces: Genoa, Imperia, Savona, La Spezia.

With about 1,300 employees the authority is engaged in the planning, development, and management of regional policies.The region promotes the sustainable growth of the territory through European, national and local programmes with a focus on key sectors such as environment, employment and social cohesion, economic development and tourism. Regione Liguria promotes professional mobility in Europe, through the network of consultants and assistants in all the regional employment services. Thanks to its strategic position, Regione Liguria is a natural crossroads of connections between the Mediterranean and Europe, with a central role in logistics and maritime trade. It is actively involved in European projects to foster transnational cooperation. Regione Liguria promotes dialogue between institutions, enterprises, and citizens, aiming at sustainable and inclusive development.

Regione Abruzzo2025-01-08T11:38:58+00:00

REGIONE ABRUZZO is a public structure which, through the Department of Employment and Productive Activities, performs the following functions: management of the Job Centres; planning and management of active labour policies and employment services; implementation of the GOL programme; social shock absorbers; support for business investment in research and development; company, sector or territorial crises; EURES service for guidance and consultancy in the search for work in Europe.

Unemployed and employed citizens looking for a new job position, workers receiving income support, legally resident foreign citizens looking for a new job, companies and other employers looking for staff are addressed to the Job Centres.

The Job Centres of the Abruzzo Region promote the matching of job supply and demand, implement active labour policies, and offer free services to jobseekers who need guidance or support in choosing a training and/or work path.

EURES Finland (KEHA Centre)2025-01-08T11:41:07+00:00

The Development and Administrative Services Centre (KEHA Centre) is a nationwide agency operating with a geographically decentralized model and network-based approach. Our staff of approximately 800 experts work across Finland in the same premises as our customers. Our tasks and services are broad, ranging from development and administrative services to data-driven management, promoting digitalization and employment, and competence development.

One of the key tasks of KEHA Centre regarding the support of employment is the task of promoting international recruitment. The International Recruitment Services team in KEHA Centre forms the Work in Finland function together with Business Finland’s Work in Finland team. Work in Finland is an umbrella concept for talent attraction and labor mobility, bringing together state-level functions and services that support international recruitment. The International Recruitment Services group at the KEHA Centre also hosts the national coordination office of the European Employment Services (EURES) network.


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