GWU is the largest trade union association in Malta. It is one of the two trade unions recognized by the European Trade Union Confederation and employees’ delegation representative at the International Labour Organization. The sections cover the manufacturing, services and the public sector of the Maltese labour market and thus organize a wide cross-section of interests. In 2020 GWU started the cooperation with EURES Network as partner of Reactivate project in cooperation with CMRC/CL, EURES Malta and EURES Italy. From 2021 GWU is a contact point of EURES TMS and in 2022 became Malta EURES Member.
GWU will contribute to the action providing information, tutoring, cv writing, matching and recruitment packages, networking with employers and relevant stakeholders, helping jobseekers and employers in the application procedures, and promoting the TMS in national and international events with EURES Malta.