EURES Targeted Mobility Scheme (TMS)
promotes professional mobility in Europe

EURES Targeted Mobility Scheme (TMS) promotes the capacity to attract labour demand and facilitate job placements (consolidating and renewing the approach developed in the previous YfEj and Reactivate projects), by allowing and supporting employer to post vacancies directly on the project platform system, simplifying the process of advertising vacancies, establishing direct links with employer and sectoral associations in different EU Countries, spreading on line recruitment systems, attracting SMEs willing to recruit from other Member States and serving low skilled or disadvantaged target groups.

handshake business people

The TMS Project

EURES TMS is aimed at enhancing the match between labour demand and job offers /vacancies in all EU Member States plus Norway and Iceland, fostering fair and voluntary circulation of workers and addressing labour market mismatch and skills shortage.

EURES TMS is an initiative funded by the European Commission through the Employment and Social Innovation (EaSI) programme.

EaSI is a financing instrument at EU level to promote a high level of quality and sustainable employment, guaranteeing adequate and decent social protection, combating social exclusion and poverty, and improving working conditions.

EURES is a European cooperation network of employment services, launched in 1994 to facilitate the free movement of workers and covering all EU countries as well as Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway and Switzerland.


Key pillars of EURES policy

Fairness and voluntariness are key pillars of EURES policy, in accordance with the European Pillar of Social Rights (that sets out key principles and rights essential for fair and well-functioning labour markets).
The action will combine tailor-made recruitment, matching, training and placement services with financial support.

Project action targets

The target groups who can benefit from the EURES Targeted Mobility Scheme (TMS) support are candidates over 18 and employer. Unemployed people and vulnerable groups shall be given priority. Placement activities should target a range of sectors. Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) or equivalent organisations can also receive financial support.

Conditions for participating in the TMS activities:


  • All candidates wishing to find a job, traineeship or apprenticeship in an EU Member State, Iceland or Norway other than their country of residence, who are:
    aged at least 18, nationals of any of the EU Member States and the EFTA/EEA countries in accordance with the EEA agreement (Iceland and Norway)
    legally resident in an EU Member State, Iceland or Norway

  • All candidates in compliance with that definition are eligible, irrespective of their level of qualification, work/training experience or economic and social background – so long as they comply with the labour law requirements of the recruiting country and the vacancy specifications.

  • Unemployed people, (including long-term unemployed) and in general those loosely attached to the labour market should be considered as priority sub-groups.


  • Employer are all businesses or other organisations legally established in the EU Member States or the EFTA/EEA countries in accordance with the EEA agreement (Iceland and Norway), irrespective of the economic sector, with a particular focus on SMEs.

  • Large-sized companies and other organisations which do not fall within the definition of SMEs as well as employment services, acting as employer, (e.g. temporary work agencies) can also participate in the EURES TMS scheme as a potential employer, but without any TMS funding support.